Get In Touch
Frequently Asked Questions
How often does the ASTT hold its National Conference and Exhibitions?
The ASTT in conjunction with our Conference Organiser, Prime Creative Media arrange a National Conference and Exhibition every 2 years. Every other year we participate in New Zealand at WaterNZ’s National Conference and Exhibition.
I am trying to locate a HDD operator in my area, where do I go to find this out?
To find out this you will need to go to the Members Directory and follow the search prompts.
As a new member, can I join a Special Interest Group?
Membership to Special Interest Groups is open to any member regardless of membership category.
If I wanted my trenchless operator to become certified as competent, where do I go to find out the process?
Details about trenchless competency can be found on our website, refer to the Education – Courses section.
Can I present at a webinar or trenchless forum?
We are always on the lookout for presentations and to this end it is best to liaise with your local Councillor.
How do I go about changing my membership category and when is the best time to do so?
The ASTT allows membership changes at any time, however it is best to do so at least 1 month prior to the membership renewal notice being issued.